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Her Captivated Hero: A Black Dawn Novel Book 6 Page 12

  “Help me,” she begged.

  Gray changed tactics, and gently licked her delicate skin, continuing his smooth thrusts even though her body tempted him beyond bearing.

  “We have all the time in the world,” he soothed.

  “We do?”

  He moved his hand and trailed it along her side, down past her waist, to her hip. He curved around and clutched her smooth flank, sinking deep and finding that perfect spot that had her head arching back in the pillow.

  “Gray,” she cried. Her head thrashed.

  “I have you.”

  He’d lied, he couldn’t wait.

  Her body was music that he couldn’t resist. He needed her, and he had to make this perfect for her.

  Some part of him noted the sting of her nails, but it was just one more layer of sensation that flavored his pleasure. He clenched his jaw and stared at Riya, taking note of her desperation. He smiled, knowing what was coming.

  “Look at me,” he commanded.

  He waited until her beautiful onyx eyes were fixed on his and then gave that final thrust. He saw that dawning look of comprehension as she cried out her release.

  Thank you, God.

  Pleasure so acute that it was pain gathered at the base of his spine, as he took flight, and his woman watched him. Her joy in his ecstasy was incandescent, and he felt her body shudder in bliss again.

  It took them a matter of seconds to find just the right position to get comfortable for a morning nap. It would have been faster, if they didn’t have to accommodate a needy Siamese.

  * * *

  Beautiful blue eyes. But they weren’t all soft and romantic anymore. What was going on? Riya pulled the sheet up around herself and sat up in bed. The sun streamed brightly through the slats of her bedroom blinds and Gray was looking all SEAL-y.

  “What’s wrong? You’re the one who came in last, if the alarm wasn’t set, it’s on you, Tyler,” she defended herself in a teasing voice.

  Gray didn’t say anything, and she realized his eyes were almost gray, like his name. Like they were filled with storm clouds.


  Slowly she scooched up against the headboard.

  He caught her hand in his then pulled her arm straight and turned it over. His voice was tight as he asked. “What in the hell happened to your arms? It’s the same on both sides. Who scratched you so badly?”

  “I’m fine,” she rushed to reassure him.

  “Who?” His voice was sharp.

  “Gray, nobody did anything to me. I did this to myself. I was itchy. I scratched.”

  “You scratched yourself raw? You broke the skin?” Gray clearly didn’t believe her. “Tell me what really happened, Honey.” His voice alarmed her, but his touch was exquisitely tender as he traced her damaged flesh. With her free hand, she pulled the sheet up higher up her chest, Gray saw her movement.

  “Don’t hide yourself from me. Are there other marks? How did I miss them earlier?”

  “Calm down. That’s the worst of it.”

  “The worst?” His voice rose with the question. He tugged at the sheet, and his gaze swept over her body. “Where, where else?”

  She drew the sheet down farther, so he could see the tops of her knees. “Here. I don’t know why it flared on my joints.” She then pointed to her ankle. “I’m such an idiot.”

  “What are you talking about? These really do look like you might have scratched here. These look like the size of your nails.” He traced the welts on her left knee that showed clearly in the afternoon sun.

  “I told you I did it, why would I lie?” Riya pulled up the sheet again. Before she could put her arms under the cloth, he took her arm.

  “This looks bad. Was it an allergic reaction? Did you see a doctor?” He closely examined the worst scratches where she had drawn blood. He looked pale. “You really hurt yourself, Riya.”

  “You don’t see a doctor for a psychosomatic problem. It was all in my mind, and I’m not even itchy anymore.”

  His eyes shot to hers. “Explain.”

  How embarrassing.

  “It’s not a big deal, and it’s stopped.” She leaned sideways to grab the bottle of moisturizer off the nightstand. “I just needed this.” She bent her head and mumbled. “And you home.”

  “What did you say?”

  She didn’t answer.

  “What do you mean psychosomatic? Talk to me.”

  “Can we have this talk after I’ve put on my clothes?”

  She pulled at the sheet, and he caught her. “Stop just a minute, will you? I need to understand what’s going on.”

  His voice sounded funny so she looked up at him. He looked really confused, like he couldn’t comprehend what she was saying. Her shoulders sagged. She didn’t want to have to be more specific, because then he would have to admit what a fool she’d been.

  “Gray, seriously, it’s nothing,” she choked out.

  His expression grew dark and he shoved back the covers. “Fine.” He stalked to the bathroom and came back moments later with her first aid kit.

  “You’re making too big of a deal about this.”

  He sat down beside her and tugged on her arm, and examined her elbow. “No I’m not, this could get infected. Especially when you’re cleaning the cat box. You need to have this covered up.”

  The atmosphere was tense while he took his time smoothing antibiotic cream on her wounds. She hated it.

  “Now, will you tell me why you were scratching.” He asked evenly. She looked at his face and tried to read his expression, but he was avoiding her. Gray didn’t do that. He was always careful to meet her eyes, it was like he understood she needed to see his expression clearly to understand where he was coming from.

  “Will you please look at me?” He continued to minister to her. His concentration intensely focused on her arm. When she hissed in a breath, his gaze shot up and met hers. He looked anguished.

  “My God, Gray. What’s wrong?” How could he be so upset? It made no sense. It was only a scratch.

  He didn’t respond, he just stared at her, and she saw such hell roiling around in his eyes.

  “Gray, talk to me.”

  “I just hate seeing you in pain, it tears me up inside.” Riya had to strain to hear him.

  Her mind started going through all of the moments she had been with him like a fast rolodex, until she stopped on that moment in front of the church when she’d slipped. Yeah, he’d been concerned, but it wasn’t this level of distress. This was over the top, and it had to be in reaction to something that had happened recently. Was it because they’d just made love? Was he regretting it? That didn’t make sense in the slightest. He was obsessed that she was injured? Why all of a sudden? It was totally out of proportion to the situation? What had…?

  “Gray, was a woman hurt on your mission?”

  His eyes widened.

  She lifted her hand. “I don’t want any details. I’m not trying to pry, I know that’s not how we can operate if we’re going to be a couple. But I needed to understand why you were acting like you were.”

  Gray ripped open the bandage and tenderly applied it to her skin, then heaved off of the bed. “I’m reacting the way I am because I don’t want the woman I care for to be injured, or in pain, or to risk further damage on my watch.”

  Riya saw the way he was clenching his fist. He stalked over to her dresser, Einstein had to run to avoid being trampled. Gray was oblivious. That meant he was really upset. She took a deep breath. Somehow she needed to fix this. She fought back her panic.


  She took a deep breath.


  She needed to come clean.

  “I was sad,” she blurted out.

  Gray tilted his head. “Huh?”

  “I was sad because I was missing you. I was worried about you being on a mission. I didn’t figure it all out until today that that was the reason I was so itchy. Gray, it wasn’t a big deal. It was all in my head. Sad and wo
rried makes me scratch myself.”

  He went stock still.

  His voice was a low rumble. “So I was the one who caused this? It was because of me?”

  Oh, shit.

  He sounded like a wounded animal.

  “No, of course it’s not your fault,” she cried. “It was all me.”

  He marched over and rested his fists on either side of her hips. “Don’t lie. Don’t sugar-coat this, Riya. You were hurting so badly, that you tore at your skin until you bled!”

  Her hands shot up and cupped his cheeks, she barely noticed the sheet slipping down her body. “This is not your fucking issue.”

  “Bullshit.” His breath was hot.

  She could feel tears building. This was big. This was monumental. She needed to diffuse this. He needed to think, not feel.

  “Do I look like her?” she asked calmly.

  She could see Gray’s immediate understanding. “No, you look nothing like her,” he answered slowly.

  She didn’t say anything, just let him gnaw on that for long moments. She noted that his shoulders relaxed the tiniest little bit.

  “But Riya, ultimately it was because you worried about me that caused you to hurt yourself.”

  She nodded. “But I finally figured it out. I’ll get it under control. It was a gut reaction because I care so deeply.” She gave him a small smile. “Ring a bell?”

  He sat back on his haunches. “Maybe.”

  She stifled a giggle.

  “Are you going to laugh at me? Because I might have to retaliate.”

  She sighed in relief. Crisis diverted.

  Riya lunged at Gray. “I need a hug.”

  Aw, hell.

  Where were the tears coming from? He was going to go SEAL-y again.

  “Don’t you dare go crazy again, these are tears of relief. You scared me.”

  He stroked her back.

  She felt a shudder go through his big body.

  “I reserve the right to care too much in the future,” he whispered.

  She hiccupped, trying to stem her tears.

  “Like now. Just let it out, Baby, I’m home now. The only scratching is on my back, got it?”

  She snorted.

  “Got it.”


  “Hey, the rubber band car just pulled up,” Wyatt yelled out across Aiden and Evie O’Malley’s backyard. He was in a position to see their driveway from the corner where he was sitting to rest his leg.

  Dammit, Gray had known the guys were going to give her shit for her car.

  Miranda Porter stalked over to Wyatt from where she had been standing on the patio with the other women. She glowered down at the sandy haired SEAL who put his arms up over his head in mock defense.

  “Leeds, if you do anything to make my friend feel bad, I will pluck out your nipple hairs. You get me?” Miranda’s steely words could be heard across the lawn.

  All talking stopped as a collective wince went through the crowd. Gray chuckled when he saw two of his teammates cross their arms over their chests.

  Griff sauntered over from the grill, with his daughter on his hip. “Honey, Wyatt didn’t mean anything by it. He’s just teasing about Riya’s Prius,” Griff tried to soothe his wife.

  “Well, he better cool it.” She plucked little Livvie out of her husband’s arms and went back to join the women.

  Evie O’Malley came up next to Gray. “Are you going to introduce me to your Riya? I’ve been dying to meet her.” The petite brunette locked her arm through his and led him through the screen door to the front of the house.

  The doorbell rang just as they reached it. Evie opened it and grinned.

  “Hello,” she greeted Riya.

  Gray saw Riya’s tentative smile. Then she pushed out a huge store-bought tray of brownies.

  “I’m in love with you,” Evie clapped her hands. “You brought my kryptonite.”

  “You like chocolate, too?” Riya asked hopefully.

  “I love chocolate, especially brownies. Did Miranda tell you?” Evie took the tray. “Come in.”

  Gray was about to introduce them, but Evie, in her typical style, started talking.

  “Oh fuck, I’m Evie. I know you’re Riya. Miranda told me how beautiful you are. I couldn’t miss the long black hair. I always wanted straight hair instead of curls. Come into the kitchen. I’m going to break into these babies right now with a big ole glass of milk. Want me to set you up with the same?”

  Riya looked up at him with a look of almost panic as Evie sped ahead.

  “It’s okay, she’s always like this with everyone.”


  “Really.” He looked her up and down. “You look gorgeous.”

  Riya’s panicked look turned into a frown. “I’m wearing a university sweatshirt. Are you going to say I look gorgeous no matter what I wear?”

  “More than likely, because you’re a beautiful woman. Piper is going to UCSD so you’re going to have a sure-fire friend.”

  “How many people are here? I thought you said it was a small barbeque.”

  “Probably thirty people.” He saw her take a deep breath. He slid his hand under her hair and started to knead the tight tendons in her neck. “It’s going to be fine. Just pretend they’re the Pentagon types, you deal with them all the time.”

  “Yeah, but that’s when it’s in my field of expertise. These are your friends.”

  “You’ll do great. Miranda and I have been bragging about you, so you’re golden.”

  “Great,” she muttered.

  Gray laughed. He wrapped his arm around her and guided her to the kitchen. He wasn’t surprised to see that Evie had two plates with brownies on them along with two glasses of milk at the kitchen table.

  “This looks wonderful,” Riya said with a genuine smile. “I’ve been at the lab since five this morning. I was hoping to have one of these to make up for my lack of breakfast and lunch.”

  While Evie’s back was turned, Gray leaned over to whisper in Riya’s ear. “You skipped breakfast and lunch?”

  “I got caught up on a side project, and I had to make up time on my actual work.”

  Evie turned around in time to catch what Riya was saying.

  “I hope you’re not letting him ride roughshod. I have a husband and a brother who think they rule the world. They don’t. Let’s eat these brownies, and then you can join the ladies on the patio. We’ll tell you how to handle these alpha males,” Evie said with her Southern accent.

  Gray enjoyed watching Riya carefully consider Evie’s invitation and then see her eyes light up. He knew she only knew Miranda, and without Susan here as a buffer, this was big.

  “I’ll definitely join you after the brownies.” She gave Gray a teasing look.

  “You are not just having sugar to make up for two missed meals, Dr. Patel,” Gray admonished.

  Two sets of black eyes rolled at him. He laughed.

  “Chocolate makes the world go round.” Evie said sanctimoniously.

  “Aiden would take my side.” Gray shook his head at the two women, then watched as Riya took a large bite of her brownie.

  * * *

  Riya liked Evie a lot, and not just because she was pint-sized like she was.

  “Your house is beautiful,” she complimented from her seat at the table.

  “It was all Aiden. He had it before he married me. The man has taste.”

  “And that’s why he married you.” Marrying Evie was the best thing that ever happened to Aiden,at least that’s what Gray had told Riya. Looking at their lovely house and Evie’s obvious happiness, she confirmed it herself.

  Evie moaned as she bit into her brownie. Then she took a deep swig of her milk. She set it down, then put her elbow on the table and stared at Riya. “I’m so impressed you’re a scientist. That is so fucking cool. What made you decide to do that? What kind of science do you study?”

  Over Evie’s head, Riya watched as Gray casually opened up the refrigerator and started pulling
out cold cuts and salads.

  “One of my doctorates is in molecular virology. I want to cure diseases.”

  Riya was horrified as Evie’s eyes started to water. She grabbed Riya’s hand. “That is so noble.”

  “Wait a minute,” Riya ripped her hand away and held it up. “It’s also because it was the thing I was good at. I’m not noble or special or anything.”

  “Sure you are. You’re trying to help people. You’re trying to make the world better. You’re not a taker. You’re not a user. You’re one of the good guys.”

  This woman was fierce.

  Riya almost jumped out of her skin when she felt Gray’s hand rest on her shoulder. She looked up at him helplessly.

  “Evie is one of the good guys, too. She’s a hero.”

  Riya watched as the little woman blushed.

  Gray set down a plate that held some rolled up turkey slices, cheese squares, coleslaw and a dab of potato salad. It was exactly what she would have chosen. She picked up a cheese square.

  “Are you talking about my sister, the heroine?” Riya jumped and dropped the piece of cheese onto her plate at the deep roar that filled the room. She heard a child chortle, which was the only reason she wasn’t looking for a hiding place.

  “Hello, Drake,” Gray said to a man who was even bigger than he was. Riya stared at him for a long moment. He looked familiar. Then she realized he had the same genetics as the woman sitting across from her. Oh yeah, he’d said sister. If he hadn’t been carrying a child, he would have truly scared her.

  “Give me Andrew.” Evie jumped out of her chair and made a grab for the toddler who was trying to wiggle out of the man’s hold.

  “Gray, we’re all waiting to meet Riya,” Drake said.

  The big man turned to her and gave her a bright smile. “My name’s Drake Avery. Only believe half of what people tell you about me. Unless it’s my wife. Then you can believe everything. She loves me. She’ll say good things.”

  Riya watched as Evie stepped out of the house with the little boy. Drake walked over to the counter and grabbed one of the brownies off the tray. She watched in amazement as he ate it in three big bites. “Heaven,” he sighed.